Friday, September 14, 2012

Define You

Define you.  Define who you are and what you are.  Define what you have become.  These are the questions that I still think to myself every day (when I have some "me" time).  Life is very uneasy but it can be done the right way if you put your mind to it.  There is no telling when things would stop at a moment. 

Define you.
"To be very honest about it, I really think that I'm those kind of people that really can't stand being around with people but at the same, helping people instead.  I have no idea why I do these such things.  I will be honest with you.  I hate people.  I hate people with a passion.  Don't know why, just can't stand them one bit.  They're so judgmental, rude, arrogant, self-centered, and honestly too much competition going around.  Why do I even bother being around with anybody really?"

Define who you are and what you are.
"I definitely know who I am.  I am a person who don't give a shit about anyone else.  I don't care if they're talking about behind my back or what not, I just don't care.  Those things can't take me down.  No way.  I earned hard to get where I'm at.  That is a fact! What I am is just an ordinary person trying to make a difference in this world and in my life."

Define what you have become.
"What I really have become is a bitch.  A cold hard bitch who will fight til the end.  A bitch who don't give two hoots about anyone else.  A bitch that does understand justice, righteous, and dignity.  Do these people their pride and honor?  Last time I check, I didn't think so."

So there you have it.  I hope that this will help you define who the hell I am.

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